Kumarasambava canto3 1. thasmin maghonaH thridhaSaan vihaaya sahasram akshNaam yugapath papaatha prayojanaapekshithyaa prabhooNaam praayaH chalam gouravam aaSritheshu All the thousand eyes of Indra fell on him ignoring the devas Usually the masters show consideration for the dependents when there is any use from them. Thasmin -on him sahasram akshnaam - all thousand eyes maghonaH - of Indra : papaatha - fell yugapath - at the same time vihaaya -leaving thridhaSaan - the devas Meaning that he was all eyes only for Manmatha because he expected a service from him and hence showed his favour. prabhooNaam - of the masters gouravam - honour chalam -goes aaSritheshu -to their dependents prayojanaapekshayaa - in expectatio...